to anyone who is having negative thoughts about making your game:

Talk anything unrelated to the Godot Engine
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Posts: 23
Joined: Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:30 pm
Location: brazil, in vic's farm

Well, I think some, if not many, have some negative thoughts about making games... those thoughts could include...

what if my game isn't good enough?
what if no one plays my game? will it have been a waste of time?
Was learning to make games a good choice?

Everyone has their own circumstances and experiences, but...
A lot of these thoughts can come because we expect people to have a reaction that is usually not what we expect, what we wanted it to be...

I'll admit, I went through that and, it was hard to get it out of my head, I expected that some of my projects would leave people very impressed, but, that didn't happen and, it was far from what I expected.

I focused on OTHERS... I wanted OTHERS to see my projects, for OTHERS to like my work...

but, it was getting me down, because the more I tried to impress others, the more I became disappointed... with my work and with myself...

I was almost giving up on making games... but I didn't wanted to give up, I wanted to continue but I couldn't find a reason for that...

I thought... is this a waste of time? will my game be forgotten? what if no one likes it?

I decided to cool off a bit... and then I thought and looked at some old projects, and I saw the answers I was looking for. I saw all the things I imagined and created, how many things I learned, I saw how much I dedicated myself to doing something I liked, I saw where I was and where I am now... man, before I didn't even know how to do a sprite becomes transparent (without rectangles) on the screen hahaha... and now I'm managing to create things that I didn't even thinked I could...

All that had a meaning to me, I saw my effort, my creativity, my personality, in all that. that would never have the same value to others.

YOU already got where you are, YOU had to learn, do, create things you wouldn't have thought you could, things that nobody would imagine or do like YOU.

it is true that sometimes, things can seem difficult, some things or people can disappoint us, but never forget...

what you create will always be special and unique, regardless of what it is or what you have created...
Facts about me:

1. my english still a work in process
2. im a potato
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