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Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:10 am
by graydwarf
I've been working with godot for a couple years now (Mar 2020). I've worked on godot projects such as godot-companion, godot-valet, kakani and a bunch of poc(s) games. I have way too many irons in the fire. Half of which aren't released yet. I have a tendency to allow apps and tooling to distract me but I enjoy it all so who cares. My dream is to work on godot/gaming/app projects fulltime. Still working on how to launch myself into that space.

Look forward to whatever new adventures await us aspiring godot devs.

Re: Heyo!

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 1:42 pm
by stayathomedev
I've found myself really interested in tool/plugin development as well.

I'm launching an asset store soon...would love to have some of your work on there!

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