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Audio busses/streams & masterbus not 'mastering'
Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 11:19 pm
by Owen Lloyd
Perhaps someone can help me with audio. The attached image shows the bus and the background music node setup.
- audiosetup.png (249.43 KiB) Viewed 2642 times
As I understood this setup, the music streams feed into the master which then modifies the output over and above any modification made via a feeder stream.
However ...
When, in code, I change the volume of the music streams sound volume is adjusted as expected. When I change the volume of the master stream, nothing happens, volume defiantly stays unchanged.
The changing is done using sliders/signals and the code def refers to the right bus.
Re: Audio busses/streams & masterbus not 'mastering'
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 2:25 am
by Owen Lloyd
I cant see why adjusting volume on the master does not impact the busses feeding into it.
As a workaround I will use the master as a percentage that I apply to the other volumes before adjusting streams
- whicheveraudiostream.volume_db = value * adjustmentpercent
and not touch the master bus at all.
If anyone can point out why using that bus arrangement and adjusting master ( audiomaster.volume_db = value ) has no effect on music or sfx please let me know. Thanks.
Re: Audio busses/streams & masterbus not 'mastering'
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 2:33 pm
by grey
i don't see why that arrangement wouldn't work, maybe the error lies elsewhere or a bug is occurring, sometimes restarting the editor fixes such issues
Re: Audio busses/streams & masterbus not 'mastering'
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:13 pm
by Owen Lloyd
Hi grey, thanks for the response.
grey wrote: ↑Wed Jul 26, 2023 2:33 pm
i don't see why that arrangement wouldn't work, maybe the error lies elsewhere or a bug is occurring, sometimes restarting the editor fixes such issues
I am sure I am doing something wrong, just not sure what, lol.
I have created a project with just two streams, master and music, and associated sliders. Minimal code. Can't make it work.
I am not sure what the forum rules are on attaching zips, if allowed
and if anyone wants I will upload a zip or 7z containing the project.
Re: Audio busses/streams & masterbus not 'mastering'
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 9:11 pm
by stayathomedev
Owen Lloyd wrote: ↑Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:13 pm
I am not sure what the forum rules are on attaching zips, if allowed
and if anyone wants I will upload a zip or 7z containing the project.
Zip files are fine...unless Github make more sense to host it maybe and see the files directly.
Not sure why it's not working either. Did you try adding a secondary bus for the individual busses and altering that volume?
Re: Audio busses/streams & masterbus not 'mastering'
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 9:59 pm
by Owen Lloyd
stayathomedev wrote: ↑Wed Jul 26, 2023 9:11 pm
Did you try adding a secondary bus for the individual busses and altering that volume?
Hi, not sure what that entails.
On the main project I have three sliders, Master, Music and SFX.
I have 2 x music streams/busses and audiostreams which I use when tweening transitions. Volume control on those works fine so the user can control music volume that way, and sfx volume. I just set their volume_db to the slider value which has range of -50 to 5, and which mutes when hitting -50.
I assumed that as they fed into the master volume changing that would override. I think I am missing the point with the master but have not had an "aha" moment.
Anyhow it is It is no biggie. What I am doing now is using the master slider as a value of 1 to 100 and applying that to the individual stream volumes as a percentage (1 to mute)
Thanks everyone.
PS: I would have to github or something the file as the attachment limit is 256 Kib and I cant get down to that even with 7zip and the bare bones.