Episode 8 – Armless Gladiators, Wormholes, Fungeons, BOINK!

Welcome to another episode of “This Week in Godot” where we take a look at the interesting, the awesome, and the weird things being developed this week in the Godot Engine. (Godot 3.5 and Godot 4 beta).

Whether 2D games or 3D games, these projects are showing what Godot is capable of producing by indie game developers and game development studios alike.

If you’re working on something cool, let me know in the comments or message me on the StayAtHomeDev Discord server and you might see it featured next week.

And be sure to vote in the comments for your favorite projects this week because the winner will be entered into the This Year in Godot for 2023 Tournament!

More Information

Boink Game


Escape from Human Fortress


Furcifer’s Fungeon


Weather App https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/yze5ib/weather_app_made_in_godot_running_on_android/

Rubi – 2D Rubik’s Cube




Swords and Sandals Immortals


Toziuha Night Order of the Alchemists


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